Friday 9 December 2016

Scartch Level 2 - Racing Game

1.I had many difficulties such  as how to setting 2 players, how to activate the game... because scratch is new to me. For instance, it`s really complicated to set 2 players moving separately because if we press up button , both of them will move. So i have to set everything different for each one so that this one will not be affected while we control the other.
2.I added the countdown before starting and two players because it will make this game be my own game and it will be more interesting, more attractive to players 

Link:Racing Game

Thursday 24 November 2016

Kodu Pac-Man

1. My game is the same as the original one. It just has little bit differences that it doesn't have the prizes for Kodu to boost its speed . But in general, the way to play the game is the same as the original ones.
2. I just add some changes about the map because i need to make an impression on players
3.I have some difficulties about the map at first, i created a small map so that Kodu couldn't move easily. Also, i didn't put the bots on path so my game looked quite complicated and messy. But finally , i found out the way to fix these problems.
4. The testers of my game told me to fix the map, make it bigger and i have to start from the beginning, which took me a long time but it's worth. 
5. I would add some details such as the prize for Kodu to boost it's speed, adding some bots...The next step is making it as good as the original one or even better. 

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Video Games Movie Quesion

1. - It helps people to relax, forget about reality and they can build or explore their own world in games.
    - There are several reasons why games became popular but in general, there are two main reasons:
  . Easy to control
  . Possible to win 
2. . The first reason is the video game console. Because in that time there are dozens of console choices to pick from. Each console came with its own set of games from the company that manufactured it , as well as an expansive web of third-party games 
    . A second problem is that , after the success the video game industry experienced in the late  70' and early 80', many companies were rushing to produce video games as quickly as possible. This became a huge problem because at that time console makers had lost control of what games were being developed for their platforms 
3. I do think video games are a form of art because we can also create our own things as well as our own worlds just like writing lyrics, creating music...
4. The next evolution in video games is making video games into real life, which means that we can control the character in games by our movements. But the challenge is that we don't know whether people like to sit in one place or and use controllers or use their body to control 

Monday 24 October 2016

Kodu Intro

1. At first , i have some problems in the code of bot and kodu to activate the game.For example , i don't know how to set the code for Kodu to eat apples and to create a bot to chase my Kodu .But when i did all "lessons" again , i have figured out the way to do this .
2. Yes , he did . He suggested  that i should fix the game's appearance so that it could be more interesting and more attractive for the players . For instance , i have added some trees, some inks. 

Thursday 29 September 2016

Photoshop Intro

-Choosing image -> Image :Adjustments -> changing Brightness , Color Balance and Hue/Saturation
-Dragging one image into another image so that we have 2 images together in one picture. Keep doing like that and we have 3 pictures together

Tuesday 20 September 2016

About Me

About Me - Game Design Class Survey

What is your name? First name, last initial please
-David Do
What name do you prefer to be called?
What block are you in?
What grade are you in?
What is your favourite video game(s)?
-Batman the arkharm knight
Which video game(s) are you currently playing?
-Batman the arkharm city
Why did you take this class?
-Because I want to know more about games
What are you hoping to learn in this class? Be specific, for example what programs or programming languages are you interested in? What about the creative side of game design?
-Know how to create and work creatively
What grade are you hoping to achieve in this class?
How can you achieve this grade?
What do you want or need from your teacher in this class to be successful?
-Helping carefully
What are you interested in outside of video games?
-Books, sports such as badminton , basketball ...
I wish my teacher knew...
- How to hack games

Friday 16 September 2016

1. What game(s) stood out to you and why?
-Sortie En Mer because the game graphics are totally good , the game concept is really creative. Such as Call of Bieber ,Slither io...  because they're all good graphics.
2.What games were "good" games?
- A good game is a game that has good graphics , lifelike sound , a creative game concept
3.What games were "bad" games?
- Bad games are on the dark side of good games . A bad game is a game which has a normal ,uncreative concept, bad sound and bad game graphics

-The story of the game is about a bird trying to get over its challenges which are the space between  columns
-Positives :  ~) The game is quite easy to play so that its quite engaging to play
                    ~) It is unlimited to play the game because the game doesn't have victories or losses
-Negatives: ~) If we play too much , it might be boring or too engaging and unhealthy too
-Link : . I would rate the game 4/5