Friday 9 December 2016

Scartch Level 2 - Racing Game

1.I had many difficulties such  as how to setting 2 players, how to activate the game... because scratch is new to me. For instance, it`s really complicated to set 2 players moving separately because if we press up button , both of them will move. So i have to set everything different for each one so that this one will not be affected while we control the other.
2.I added the countdown before starting and two players because it will make this game be my own game and it will be more interesting, more attractive to players 

Link:Racing Game


  1. Blog Post - 7/10 marks:
    - Posted your game on your blog post as a playable embedded game window. Not a link.
    - Posted a link to the project page of your game - this link needs to be clickable!
    - Answered the questions with examples - more specific examples of what you had to fix in your code and how you did it.

    Gameplay - 25/40 marks:
    - Game functions as tutorial game - laps are not displayed, controls seem buggy. There's lots of issues with your gameplay. I would recommend fixing it up and re-posting for more marks.
    - Includes instructions on the project page - not included
    - Includes your own art and creative details, such as two player or? - two player does not work at all.


  2. Good job adding two player! There is some bugs to work out though: the red car doesn't spin out when off the track. The cars should be smaller so they both fit on the track and maybe could have a reaction if they bump each other. Please include instructions on the game project page. 42/50
