Wednesday 8 March 2017

Indie Game:The Movie

1. What are some of the differences between "big games" and "independent games"?
-There is no exact, widely accepted definition of what constitutes an "indie game".However, indie games generally share certain characteristics. Indie games are developed by individuals, small teams, or small independent companies; companies that are often specifically formed for the development of one specific game.
-Indie game developers are generally not financially backed by video game publisher and usually have little to no budget available while big games are on the opposite side.
Ex: Super Meat Boy (Independent game) - Call Of Duty (Big Game)
2. What are some of the difficulties the developers in the film have to overcome?
- No Funding
- Resources
- Protecting Your Work
- Flooded Market
- Publicity
3. What do you think is attractive about developing an indie game? What do you think you would like about working on an indie game? What do you think you might not like?
- You can put your own story in your own game or change any detail you want without asking anyone or any company about their opinions. I would like to put in my own story for the game and i don't like publicity for the game. 
4. What is some advice you might have for someone trying to create their own game based on what you learned in the film?
- Play a lot of games to learn about how they made the games
- Write it out because you need to prove your work
- Play test
- Make a prototype so that you can add everything you want to the game and make it better before publishing to community
5. What is the best part of completing the creation of a game for the developers?
- You can see how good is your result after you have been working very hard to create and develop the game.

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